Mission, Vision & Values

Who is Curiouser Designs?

A brainchild of Miriam, the creative. Curiouser is the professional representation of the efforts and adventure of a creative who seeks to support innovation through understanding.

Our Mission

 The Curiouser Designs mission is to support our customer's strategic vision with creative, innovative, and effective solutions based in a sea of knowledge, in order to reach a sky of possibilities.

Our Vision

The Curiouser Designs vision is not truly our own, but instead considers each customer as a unique entity on its own path which is held down with its mission and vision, kept on track through appropriate support, and held up by overall motivation. 

Curiouser Designs Values


We celebrate diversity of thought and expression.


We value the pursuit of knowledge and understanding through a lifelong learning approach.


We value a thirst for information and a willingness to explore new ideas.

If this sounds like someone you want to work with, contact us.

More Values

In my head, every project should align with a strategic vision. Goals are to provide a creative, innovative, and effective solution leveraging a sea of knowledge, in order to reach a sky of possibilities. These environments of organizational leadership support and employees have to be healthy because they rely on each other. This is the basis of the infographic created.

Applicable to nearly any situation, this graphic demonstrates my beliefs that employee wellness and organizational wellness are a symbiotic relationship, and a positive environment is necessary to achieve success in either performance or mission.

Projects and organizations are held down with a mission and vision, kept on track through appropriate support by leadership, and are held up by employees' engagements and their overall motivation within the organization. My concept is ultimately based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which has been mirrored to show the supports of an organization. The better the health and strength of the organization and their values, the better quality and performance can be sustained. This balance is absolutely necessary for employees to participate in what I define as an organization’s ‘chutes and ladders’ of successful performance and execution.